
Giles Fowler, Greenlee School, (515) 294-0502
Steve Sullivan, News Service, (515) 294-3720


AMES, Iowa -- Christopher Adams, a Wall Street Journal investigative reporter who shared the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting, will receive the 2000 James W. Schwartz Award from Iowa State Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication.

The Schwartz Award, the Greenlee School's highest honor, was established in 1977 to recognize outstanding service in journalism. It is named for James W. Schwartz, who was chairperson of ISU's journalism department from 1965 to 1977. Schwartz will present the award to Adams, a 1988 Iowa State graduate, during Homecoming weekend event on Oct. 21.

Adams, who is originally from Iowa City, was a member of The Wall Street Journal’s six-person investigative team that received the Pulitzer for a series of articles examining why the Pentagon's current budget continued to reflect Cold War thinking. Reporting by Adams focused on the vast "operations and maintenance" budget and how internal squabbling kept unneeded facilities open.

Adams, a reporter with The Wall Street Journal's Washington Bureau, was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for two previous investigative projects.

"The reporting achievements of Chris Adams consistently demonstrate the impact that can come from effective investigative journalism," said John Eighmey, professor and chair of the Greenlee School.

Before joining The Wall Street Journal, Adams worked for The New Orleans Times-Picayune, where he participated in a comprehensive report on the city’s -- and his own newspaper’s -- history of racism. While a student at Iowa State, Adams served as editor of both The Iowa State Daily and Ethos magazine. He also won nine national awards in the William Randolph Hearst College Journalism Awards Program.

Adams is the fourth Pulitzer Prize-winning alumnus of the school to be honored with a Schwartz Award. Previous recipients include Pulitzer winners Robert L. Bartley, editor of The Wall Street Journal; Lauren Soth, Des Moines Register editorial writer; and Tom Knudson, who has received two Pulitzers as a reporter for The Des Moines Register and The Sacramento Bee.


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