
Elisabeth Schafer, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, (515) 294-1359
Warren Franke, College of Education, (515) 294-8257
Kevin Brown, News Service, (515) 294-8986


AMES, Iowa -- That pretty foil-wrapped, heart-shaped box may seem innocuous, simply a heart-felt expression of affection from your significant other. But, you’re going to need to do 30-minutes of moderate exercise to burn off each 300 calories (a little over five pieces) that you consume.

Iowa State University associate professor of health and human performance, Warren Franke, said that an average-sized person (about 165-pounds), walking at a fast pace, burns 10-calories per minute.

"It’s okay to give sweets, just don’t make it a pound box of chocolates," says Franke. "Make it a small three-piece box. You can still make the point without the calories."

Elisabeth Schafer, professor of food science and human nutrition, suggests a romantic dinner at an ethnic restaurant where the food selection may be healthier and more varied.

"The point is to make your significant other feel special, pampered," says Schafer. "Valentine’s Day is not the time to be too pre-occupied with health issues, but do think of all of the options for expressing your love."

Other possible alternatives include flowers, music, or a basket of herbal teas and cocoas.

For more information, contact Schafer at (515) 294-1359, or Franke at (515) 294-8257.


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