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For employees: Frequently asked questions

UPDATED 7:50 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16:

In-person and online classes starting at noon or after on Tuesday, Feb. 16 will meet as scheduled. Students and employees should use caution when deciding to travel to campus. Please contact your instructors or supervisor if you cannot make it to campus. 

UPDATED 2:10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 15:

In-person classes scheduled before noon on Tuesday, Feb. 16, will not meet. Classes delivered online will remain in session. In-person classes scheduled after noon Tuesday will be held. Instructors should notify students of any alternate arrangements.  

The university will remain open for business. Employees should contact their supervisors about working arrangements. Employees in food service, police, public safety, security, power plant, animal care, critical maintenance and snow/ice removal need to report to campus. If you cannot make it to campus, please contact your supervisor.  

The university continues to monitor National Weather Service reports regarding the extreme weather conditions. If it’s necessary to extend past noon on Feb. 16, the university will announce that decision by 8 a.m. 

Campus services for Feb. 16: The COVID-19 testing center at Johnny's inside Hilton Coliseum will be open on Tuesday. Thielen Student Health Center and Recreation Services will be open regular hours. Dining centers will have normal hours and retail centers will have a modified schedule


Due to extreme wind chills and weather conditions, in-person classes will not meet on Monday, Feb. 15.

Classes delivered online – including lectures, recitations, laboratories and studios – remain in session. Instructors of in-person classes may decide to teach online for Monday only and will notify students of arrangements. Students should monitor email and Canvas for updates.

The university is open for business. While employees are encouraged to work remotely if possible, they may choose to come to campus. Employees should contact their supervisors if they need to arrange to work from home or take leave. Employees in food service, police, public safety, security, power plant, animal care, critical maintenance and snow/ice removal need to report to campus. If you cannot make it to campus, please contact your supervisor. More information in the FAQ below.

Most buildings will be closed; dining halls will be open with modified schedules. Please see list below for updates on other campus services. The COVID-19 testing center at Johnny’s inside Hilton Coliseum will be closed on Monday.

Campus Services (Feb. 15)

Thielen Student Health Center (modified hours 10 am - 4 pm)

Recreation Services (modified hours 10 am - 6 pm)

University Museums (closed)

Student Innovation Center (closing at 4 pm)

University library facilities (modified hours)

Employee FAQ

The purpose of this FAQ is to provide additional information to employees (faculty & staff) when university buildings are closed and classes are held online. This document may be updated as additional information becomes available.

The university encourages employees to work remotely, if possible, they may, however, choose to come to campus. Only employees who must deliver on-site services must report to work. All employees are encouraged to put safety first when determining whether they should travel to campus. Those who are unable to get safely to work should call their supervisor or follow their normal call-in procedures.  Employees are encouraged to visit with their supervisor/department chair if they have questions. 

Q1: Do I need to report to work if ISU university buildings close?

A1: The university is encouraging employees to work remotely to the fullest extent possible. Employees should contact their supervisor if they are unsure if they need to physically report to work.  Only employees who must deliver on-site services need to report to work. Typically, these employees are in such operations as food service, police, public safety, security, power plant, animal care, critical maintenance, and snow removal.

Q2: Do I get paid if university buildings are closed and classes are held online?

A2: Employees who have been working remotely during the pandemic should continue to during the building closure. Employees may choose to come in to perform their work.  Employees who are not able to work remotely or on campus must use their accrued annual leave (vacation), compensatory time previously accrued (merit), or leave without pay.  Employees may also be allowed make up any time missed within the same Work Week.

Q3:  Can I work from home in the event of severe weather so I don’t need to use my vacation or comp time (merit)?

A3: Check with your supervisor to determine whether your work may be performed from an alternative location.

Q4: What if I don’t have enough vacation or comp time (merit) to equal the time I missed because of severe weather?

A4: Employees must take leave without pay or request approval from your supervisor to make up the missed time within the same Work Week

Q5: I live in a rural area and sometimes can’t make it into work even if the university offices aren’t closed.  What are my options?

A5: If you reasonably believe travel would be hazardous to your health or safety, you should call your supervisor and inform him or her of the situation. Your supervisor may allow you to work at home or to make up time later during the work week, or you will have to use your vacation, or comp time (merit) or take leave without pay. 

Q6: What if I am unable to make up the work within the workweek?

A6: As outlined in the University’s Work Week Policy, the current workweek begins Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021 and runs through Saturday, Feb. 20, 2021. You will have to use vacation or comp time (merit) or take leave without pay. 

Q7: I am scheduled to work outside of the 8-5 business hours of the university. Does this announcement apply to me?

A7: Employees should contact their supervisor if they have questions about whether they are required to report for their scheduled shift. 




Angie Hunt, News Service,, 515-294-8986

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