AMES, Iowa -- Three associate deans have been named for Iowa State University's new College of Human Sciences. On July 1, the College of Family and Consumer Sciences and the College of Education will combine to become the new college.
The three College of Human Sciences associate deans will be JaneAnn Stout, director of ISU Extension to Families and associate professor of art and design in the College of Design; Roger Smith, professor of educational leadership and policy studies in the College of Education; and Daniel Russell, professor of human development and family studies in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Stout, JaneAnn
Stout has been with ISU Extension for 30 years. She was named the director of ISU Extension to Families and associate dean in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences in 1990. In her new position, she will continue to provide overall vision and leadership for Extension to Families programs, focusing on societal issues and Iowa families.
Stout oversees programs in family life, nutrition and health education, and resource management.
Stout received a bachelor's degree (1971) and a master's (1974) in applied art from Iowa State. Prior to 1990, she was an art and design Extension specialist working within the Families Extension unit (formerly the Home Economics Extension unit).

Smith, Roger
Smith, currently associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Education, will serve as associate dean for undergraduate programs and student services in the College of Human Sciences for one year. During his tenure, he will lead efforts to coordinate and facilitate undergraduate programs and curriculum, develop learning communities and evaluate course and program offerings.
Smith joined College of Education faculty in 1977. He received bachelor's (1969) and master's (1971) degrees in industrial arts and technology from the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls; and a doctorate in industrial education from Iowa State in 1974.

Russell, Daniel
Russell, professor of human development and family studies and a researcher with Iowa State's Institute for Social and Behavioral Research, will serve as associate dean for research and graduate education in the new college for one year. In the position, he will coordinate graduate programs and serve as a liaison to the Graduate College.
He joined the psychology faculty in 1992 and joined the department of human development and family studies in 2002.
He received a bachelor's degree (1975) in psychology from the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and a doctorate in personality/social psychology (1980) from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Stout's office will remain in MacKay Hall. Smith and Russell will have offices in Lagomarcino Hall.